Sunday, September 7, 2008

This book is so out of my "box". To feel the fear that Ishmael was feeling is unsettling . The joy of walking 16 miles to participate in a talent show, stopping to swim and just having a wonderful time being a young boy with his friends, is what being a young boy is all about. I can't even imagine at his young age, not knowing what will be happen next and being afraid for your life. To see the devastation that they witness and the unspeakable things that happen, is so hard to comprehend. We do live is such a soft "cushiony" world, I can't even imagine teenagers walking 16 blocks let alone 16 miles. Running for their lives after they are caught was so courageous. They are so many movies that we have watched over the years like this, but to actually sit back and to read this happening to a 12 year old and to know that this one young man is not the only one that this is happening to, makes you realize that the world is a scary place, that evil does exist, and bad things do happen. I do know that the next time I read the newspapers and see articles about things happening half a world away, I will see them in a different light. Reading this book will give me a greater insight to the horrors that people live every day. And I will pray harder for them.


granny gray said...

Yes, reality sets in and I think it was time for us to appreciate and protect the "box" we live in and to broden our scope of reality as difficult as it is sometimes or should I say all the times.